Chewsday Finance
1. Co-ordinators
Communicate and follow up with group members and the rest of the Chewsday collective to keep the team on track.
2. Importing bank data – Requires a Bank Australia signatory
- Transactions with correct username automatically match in lettuce share database.
- Manually check unmatched payments/deposits.
There is a transactions spreadsheet located in the 'drive' section of the account so everyone can access it (see below for gmail login details).The purpose of this document is so that everyone can see which transactions from the bank have been imported in the payments page of lettuceshare. This document also allows for comments to be made, for example if we were unable to trace the owner of a payment we would place it in the comments.
There is a separate document with instructions on how to import data from the Bank Australia account.
3. Correct member invoices and Monitor Chewsday Finance email account
- The email address is (ask another member for the password).
- Chewsday members who have been charged incorrectly will email finance asking for their invoices to be corrected.
1) How to correct/change the invoice:
- Log into Lettuceshare with your log in.
- Go to the Manager page. (use the drop down box on the top right hand corner of page)
- Fill in user name.
- Click on the Date box and add date of purchase.
- Click Search.
- Alter the incorrect purchase. (as you would when entering boxes on packing night)
- Click Submit.
- Go to Invoices page. (use the drop down box on top right hand corner of page)
- Click on correct user name.
- Date box will appear at top of page - pick purchase date of invoice that was changed.
- Next to the date box you will see two options for who to send the new invoice to (yourself and the member). You can send the invoice to yourself to double check it's correct if you want.
- Click Send and you're done!
- Respond to Member email informing them of changes and new invoice.
- Move email to Actioned folder.
- Read, sort, and forward email coming into the finance email address.
- Once actioned move email to correct folder.
- If you open an email that has been directed at someone else, mark it as unread so they don't miss it next time they check the account.
4. Check for members with overdue payments
Call or email the members with outstanding amounts over $200 weekly/fortnightly. Accounts that remain unpaid can be made inactive. Specific document in the drive with instructions. Consider a way to track accounts owing a lesser amount but that remain unpaid for more than 2 - 3 weeks. Members have left without notifying us an owe $50 - $150
5. Paying Supplier invoices – Requires a Bank Australia signatory
Electronic or hard copies of invoices checked off by packing team as supplied correctly then paid by EFT. Requires Bank Australia signatories.
The following are details of the regular invoices to be paid:
Sovereign Foods
Email -
Bendigo Bank
Account name: Sovereign Foods Limited
BSB: 633000
A/c #: 157350463
Thor will send invoice each Wednesday, the day after co-op. To be paid ASAP (Wednesday or Thursday). Contact Thor to let him know your preferred email address for receiving the invoice ( recommended for simplicity)
From Bank Australian Chewsday account, select Transfer/Pay, select Pay Anyone, enter bank details for Sovereign Foods (after first time payment, can be saved as a favourite) and enter ‘chewsd’ as the reference.
Email Thor to confirm payment completed
In, move invoice email to “Suppliers, Actionedâ€
Food Connect
Account Name: Food Connect
BSB: 034008
Account Number: 104010
Mark McCrystal sends invoice by Friday to To be paid within 7 days
From Bank Australia Chewsday account, select Transfer/Pay, select Pay Anyone, enter bank details for Food Connect (after first time payment, can be saved as a favourite) and enter “CD##15†as the reference. (Eg week 25 would be “CD2515â€)
Email Mark to confirm payment completed
In, move invoice email to “Suppliers, Actionedâ€
Wellers Hill Guide Hut
Email: or
Account name: Wellers Hill Support Group
BSB: 164101
Account No: 10011554
Vicky Stewart sends invoice for $160 at the beginning of the month ($40 per week).
Use the reference on the invoice when making payment
In, move invoice email to “Suppliers, Actionedâ€
Automatic Scheduled Payments - ongoing until further notice
Malcolm Blaney - lettuceshare hosting. $50 on 5th of each month.
(BSB: 814282, ACC:31174216, ref: chews2)
Remember: Malcolm will send an invoice but don’t pay it as this payment is set up automatically
Database access to payments, invoices for multiple members roles (contact lettuceshare administrator for access)
Signatories and bank access with Bank MECU (multiple roles) See documents in drive regarding bankmecu details and procedures for access.
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