Create a new admin account
Are you looking to join an existing group? There are lots of groups using Lettuceshare, check out the map on the front page, or use the contact page to ask about a buyer's group or co-op in your area. Accounts in an existing group are made by a member of that group, using the contact page is the easiest way to pass on your details to them. Below is information about starting a new group.
Starting your free trial
Each group pays a hosting fee to use Lettuceshare, the free trial for your group will start when you create an account using the form below. Monthly hosting fees will start once you're ready for your members to use the site. As the group's administrator, you can take as long as you need to familiarise yourself with how the software works before creating accounts for your members.Please use the form below to create an account to start a new group. You will be made the administrator for your group, and you can then create accounts for your members and suppliers. (If you don't receive an email soon, please check your spam folder.)