Welcome to Lettuceshare

Use Lettuceshare to manage your buying group.

Looking for help running your co-op, community food group or shop front?

Use Lettuceshare to manage your memberships, stock lists and purchases. It will save you time by automating ordering, invoicing and payment processing.

How to run a buying group: This guide will help you decide if starting a buying group is right for you!

Start your own group on lettuceshare.org by creating an account here. If you're comfortable running your own server, you can also download the software and set it up yourself.

Please read this introduction to find out prices for hosting and if Lettuceshare is suitable for your group. You can stay up to date with new features by following the Lettuceshare blog.

Ready to begin? Create an account and start using Lettuceshare for your group. It's free to get started!