Real Food - Bay Of Plenty

I'd like to welcome another buyer's group from New Zealand, Real Food BOP. It's great to hear from people in New Zealand who are starting new buying groups and co-ops, they obviously have amazing local suppliers who are helping them on their journey.

Real Food BOP are using some new features that I've talked about recently. I call them Special Buying Groups, but this buyer's group use them to run multiple specialty shops simultaneously. This home page screen shot gives a good idea of how it works:

I would never have thought to use this feature to run 12 specialty shops, but one of the great things about working lettuceshare is that I can help groups use the software the way they want it to work! Each of these shops have their own list of suppliers, and can be run independently from the others. Only one invoice needs to be sent each week, for all purchases.

These features are available to all groups using lettuceshare. If you're a group administrator and want to open another order, have a look at the Group Settings tool to get started.
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I will surely pay dearly for such link bait phrasing.
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