Invoice and Order improvements

If you're currently using lettuceshare, there's some improvements to the Invoice format and order emails that you should know about. These changes can all be activated by the Group Settings tool, and each section is described below.

Firstly, the time invoices are sent has always been configurable, but the option wasn't visible in Group Settings. You can now change it under Invoice Configuration:

Lettuceshare will now show you the GST amount included in the invoice, it's not currently broken down per item, but you can control the formatting under Invoice Formatting in the Group Settings tool:

This will appear directly after the purchase total. For this information to be shown, you will also need to enter the GST percentage in the Stock settings:

The total is only calculated for stock items that have the Attracts GST check box checked, so you might want to go through and update your stock list before using this feature.

The last change applies to generating orders. By default lettuceshare collates orders that have purchase dates for any time in the following week. If you use calendar dates to set the purchase date, this meant the order could only be sent out in the week before the delivery was due to arrive.

It's now possible to set the lead time for an order, so that you can close it whenever you like. You just need to enter the number of days before the delivery arrives so that lettuceshare knows to include it in the order email sent for the current week:

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